PROJECT 97b seeks to make Sanhedrin 97b the far and away the most discussed, taught, learned, implemented, practiced text of our whole tradition. 

Every study, prayer service, community service, corporate, non-profit enterprise will place TESHUVA in the center. TESHUVA tells us how to move: from galut (exile) to redemption, from division, derision and hate to deep devotion and unbreakable bonds. 

Success will be - במהרה בימינו (may it be in our time) - when you, Jews of all colors and stripes, lead the project of Sanhedrin 97b, making it our people’s most studied and applied text.

Project 97b is the project of every Jew and every Jewish organization. The word TESHUVA will be on the lips of every Jew and Jewish organization. These organizations in America and Israel will appoint a יועצי תשובה (translation?) as critical voices in their leadership.