Every Jew and every Jewish organization should know the letters תשובה (Teshuva).
Every Jew and every Jewish organization should know the music of the word - teshuva.
There is a binding thread to everything we Jews do - Unity אחדות. That’s teshuva.
All of Jewish life is meant to bind us together. That’s Teshuva.
Our prayer, Shabbat, chaggim, tefillin - it’s all to build a unity that no other people has ever known.
Every moment of Jewish life is meant to connect us to each other.
But how many of us know this, live by it?
Whether orthodox or secular, haredi or reform, we all have enormous work to do.
The stakes are so very high.
Make Sanhedrin 97b the far and away most discussed, taught, learned, implemented, practiced text of our whole tradition.
Educate every Jew to know that the binding thread, the overarching goal of all we are called to do as Jews is to unite us as a family - a family whose bonds can never be broken. Our differences are critical, profoundly important. Unity, not uniformity is the goal of every Jewish moment. Love of Israel is the goal of every Jewish act we undertake. But tragically few know this and so many neglect it.
Inspire every Jew and non-Jew to master our most profound power source - teshuva. Security, a strong army is absolutely critical. But for us Jews, teshuva is our supreme, divine, God-inspired power source. Teshuva is the Jewish version of nuclear fission. Inspiring the world to believe in clean, holy energy is our mission. We, the hi-tech nation, have the technology - straight from God/Hashem - that can bring redemption — peace and prosperity to our hearts, our homes and to the world.
Every study, prayer service, community service, corporate, non-profit enterprise can, should, place teshuva at the center. Teshuva teaches us how to move from exile to redemption, from division, derision and hate to deep devotion and unbreakable bonds.
Project 97b is the project of every Jewish organization. The word teshuva should be central in the boardroom of every Jewish organization. Every Jewish organization should appoint a יועץ תשובה (teshuva expert) as a critical voice in their leadership.
Project 97b Mission
Project 97b originates in the Talmud, Sanhedrin 97b:
ר׳ אליעזר אומר אם ישראל עושין תשובה נגאלין ואם לאו אין נגאלין
“If Israel does teshuva — they will be redeemed. If not — Not.” -Rabbi Eliezer
We, the Jewish people face 3 great challenges:
Staggeringly high levels of disinterest and disengagement within the Jewish community;
Exploding Anti-Semitism; and,
Growing intra-Jewish division, derision and even hatred.
The answer — 97b!
We, the Jewish people, can achieve anything we set out to achieve. Only we can destroy ourselves, and, our sacred home. Internal Jewish hate is the biggest threat we face. That means — teshuva.
Our intra-Jewish division and hate tells Jew-haters and those who just don’t know, that hating and disparaging other Jews must be ok. For those who hate, our mission is to teach. That means teshuva.
Love of Israel or Disaster of Israel – Which will it be?!
We’re choosing between OY and AY:
או״י and א״י –
אוהב ישראל או אסון ישראל
Every crisis, every tragedy in our biblical history is the result of internal Jewish division, derision and hate.
Keep reading…
Consider our history. Understand that all of our biblical tragedies were self-inflicted, caused by intra-Jewish animosity and hatred. See below.
Together, united, we can achieve absolutely any goal we commit ourselves to achieving.
No people is powerful enough to destroy us. Only we have the power to destroy ourselves and our homeland!
Biblical History
Joseph and his Brothers? How did we become slaves?
Jacob’s favoritism and the hatred within the brothers is what caused us to go down to Egypt and to become slaves. The brothers’ hatred – Joseph’s brothers hated him, threw him into a pit and he went to Egypt. 37:4:
Why did Moses flee Egypt?
(Hatred within our family) Because two Jews who were fighting against each other than threatened to kill Moses.
Why was Moses prevented from entering into the land of Israel?
(Divisiveness spread by Moses) Because of his rage, anger at the Jewish people, because of the way that he spoke to them. "Now listen, you rebels, can we draw water for you from this rock?" Numbers 20:10
Why were the Jewish people vulnerable to the hatred of Haman?
(We were terribly disconnected from each other) Kli Yakar: “Because we were עַם־אֶחָ֗ד מְפֻזָּ֤ר וּמְפֹרָד֙ בֵּ֣ין הָֽעַמִּ֔ים -- a scattered and dispersed people. Kli Yakar on this verse – ישנו עם אחד מפוזר ומפורד. דהיינו מפוזר איש מרעהו ומפורד מן השכינה. We were scattered from one another and thus separated from the Shechina (Divine Presence).
Our most sacred PLACE–the LAND and the TEMPLE: Why did we lose sovereignty over our land in 70CE, why did the Second Temple fall?
(Hatred within our family) BT Yoma 9b – מִפְּנֵי מָה חָרַב? מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהָיְתָה בּוֹ שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם (translation?)
Because of wanton, baseless hatred between Jews.
Our most sacred souls/leaders: Why did 24,000 of our greatest minds, our most brilliant leaders die in 135 CE?
(No respect among our most talented young leaders) BT Yevamot 62b: Because "they did not show proper respect to one another."
What caused Amalek to attack the Jewish people when he did?
(We were fighting with each other) Kli Yakar on Amalek: Why does Amalek appear here? Shmot 17:1-7 – he sees us fighting. We’re in מדבר סין (translation?). There was no water. People had no strength, no faith. They were fighting and Amalek knew that was his opportunity. Rabbi Yitzhak Breitowitz: Amalek represents Sinat Chinam (baseless hatred). Purim is defeat of Amalek—defeat of sinat chinam.
What caused Amalek to become a hater of the Jewish people?
(We neglected close family members) Timna wanted to marry into the family of Abraham but was not accepted. Sanhedrin 99b. In the end, she became the concubine of Esau’s eldest son. “Better to be a maidservant to this people,” Timna reasoned, “than a princess of another people.” According to Rav Kook, as punishment for rejecting Timna, the Jewish people were cursed with the eternal enmity of Timna’s son — Amalek.
What caused Ishmael to become a hater of the Jewish people?
(We neglected close family members) Sarah’s hatred, affliction of Hagar. The Ramban says this: “Our matriarch (Sarah) sinned in this affliction [sending Hagar/Ishmael away], as did Avraham in permitting it. God heard [Hagar’s] affliction and gave her a son who would be a wild man, afflicting the offspring of Avraham and Sarah with all manner of afflictions.”
Meir Feldman
Email: teshuva@project97b.org
Meir is the founder of Project 97b. He most recently served as the senior rabbi at Temple Beth-El of Great Neck with his wife Rabbi Tara Feldman. Today, they live in Jerusalem and are the Rabbis Emeritii of Temple Beth-El.
Before becoming a rabbi, Meir (then called Mark) was a lawyer for over 7 years. He first was an associate for 3 years at at a Wall Street law firm, in New York and then in Los Angeles. From 1990-1994, he served as an Assistant United States Attorney in Los Angeles.
In between these 2 careers, Mark (not yet Meir) went on a deep spiritual journey, eventually returning with great commitment to his childhood Jewish roots. Skiing at the top of mountains and scuba-diving 50 feet below helped Mark discover the miracle and majesty of our natural world. Eventually, he realized that the WOW of the mountains and the AWE of the oceans is at the core of a religious life. As he entered into the world of Jewish texts and Jewish life, for the first time in life, his intellect began to meet his soul.
Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, thoughts, suggestions and insights.
May you blessed on your journey . . .; may you know the blessing that you are called to bring to the world; and, lastly, may you know what a blessing you are.
There are many people to thank for this project. First, my amazing wife, Rabbi Tara Feldman. You are the light of my life. Second, so many dear friends who have wholeheartedly supported and encouraged me to launch this effort. Third, a new friend, Arnie Draiman, who gave me the idea to launch on Hanukkah — Give the Gift of Teshuva. Linking to Hanukkah was absolutely Arnie’s idea.
Galya, meeting you has been a great blessing. Your spirit and your art are an inspiration.
Rabbi Bill Berk — your enthusiasm and chevruta has been amazing.
Adina, thank you for your aesthetic eye and interest. Your help has made a huge difference.
Gavi, you too my beloved son. Your work on the upcoming podcasts is going to make a massive difference.
Lastly, dear Jamie — it’s only been 10 weeks since we began colloaborating. This would not be happening today without you . . .
Jamie Fleishman
Jamie Fleishman, son of Gene and Judy, is a student/teacher in the art of living. His soul centers around Jewish spirituality, intergenerational healing, and sacred community.